Success Story: Transport of Steel Scrap

TTS (Transport Trade Services) SA., headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, is focused on complex transport chains and complete solutions for more than 10 years.

The delivery of steel scrap to multiple ports such as Vienna, Budapest, Vukovar, etc. – is arranged by using either train or truck. After interim storage and possible sorting in the port of origins, the scrap is loaded into push barges of the company's own fleet (430 barges, 52 push boats) and taken on the Danube to Constanta.

The steel scrap continuously arrives here and is stored separately according to its qualities.
Only when the goods have been sold to the export markets (like Greece, Turkey, Spain, etc.) it’s appropriate blending, to reach the desired quality as per sales contract, is done and thereafter loaded onto the seagoing vessel.

Through massive investments in TTS own efficient harbors and transshipment facilities, it is also possible to handle the loading of land / quay, but also simultaneously and directly from barges - by means of floating cranes - in the port of Constanta - directly to the seagoing ship.
The consequences are reduced shrinkage due to direct handling and cost reduction by avoiding cargo handling inland ship - quay and again quay - seagoing vessel.

Source: TTS